Bawang or Garlic

Bawang or Garlic

Folkloric uses:
Arthritis, rheumatism, toothaches: Crush several cloves and rub on affected areas.
Headaches: Crush one clove and apply to both temples as poultice.
Insect bites: Crush garlic or cut clove crosswise and rub directly to affected area.
Athlete's foot.
Decoction of leaves and bulbs for fever and as hypotensive, carminative, expectorant, and antihelmintic.
Juice from freshly crushed garlic used for colds, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, asthma and bronchitis.
Decoction use for tonsillitis.
For nasal congestion - a steam inhalation of chopped garlic and a teaspoon of vinegar in boiling water.
Fresh garlic has been used as a complement to INH therapy for tuberculosis. Also used for menstrual cramps.
For gas pains, drink an infusion of a peeled broild clove.

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